Tuesday, November 13, 2007


~~ Don'T LeT uR PaSt HaUnt YoU~juSt bE ThankfulL tHat wE are WeLL LeaRneD and wITh thAt KnoWledGe aRe aBLe tO haVe a beTTer liFe NoW~~ I lOve You So MuCh FOr MakiNg mY NoW BeTTEr~~
These past few weeks I have learned a lot. I used to think my life really sucked big time until I met a friend whose life was much worst than mine. We all have our trying times, times where we feel like giving up totally.
Ever so often we cringe over our past and worry so much about our future that we often forget about
The Past happened so that we would learn from it and would strive harder to have a better future. The Past would show u how lucky you are to enjoy what u are having now. The more painful your Past was the more you will be motivated, Just dun allow your Past to eat your soul up and force u to make mistakes over again and again. Just understand the Law of the Universe. Whoever or whatever that caused u pain, the pain shall return to where it came from, BUT the Pain can only return once you've learn to let Pain go. Its not easy to do but you have to be strong, pull yourself up, try your very best and if you ever need support, look for God or your friends our your family or all 3 for support. If not come to me and we shall journey together. Remember, You are never alone in this world. You’re a beautiful wonderful being and only u have the power to make yourself happy.
NOWonly happens once. Learn to slow down a bit and enjoy every single moment. Cherish and feel with all your heart and soul every emotions that you feel
NOW. A beautiful NOW shall become a Wonderful PAST. You decide NOW how wonderful a Past you're gonna Have. Savor every moment with your loved ones, doing whole heartedly, with all your might. NOW does not last forever but PAST does. With NOW you only get ONE chance to get things right. No point regretting in the FUTURE for not having a wonderful PAST because you failed to treasure NOW. Dun be stingy with your thank you, and I love you. Once NOW is gone it will never come back. With NOW you are given the gift to have a wonderful PAST and a Bright FUTURE.
Dun worry about FUTURE too much until you forget to cherish
NOW. FUTURE will eventually come but how it arrives depends on what you do
NOW. Do plan your FUTURE but not until the extent whereby u forget about
NOW. Nothing in life is as wonderful as what you are experiencing
NOW. Don't let the Pain you experience
NOWruin your FUTURE. Remember Pain = Lessons Learnt. Don't let yourself fall into the cycle of life whereby Pain appears again and again without you Learning.
Choose to Heal yourself, confront your demons, voice out your hurt. I know u say it wont make any difference but trust me, it will. It will break u down to pieces, it will hurt you so much till u wish like dying all over again, but when its all over and u realised u have loved ones around you, then u shall start to enjoy your PAST, NOW, FUTURE

Date: 16/10/07

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